Starting a Cleanse? Read This!

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Hands up if you feel like a fresh start after an indulgent holiday season? I think most of us would raise our hands to this question (myself included), but do we need to try the latest detox diet or cleanse to get an official fresh start? Absolutely not! We tend to forget that our bodies are equipped with a detoxification system all on its own, which includes: the skin, the respiratory system, the immune system, the intestines, the liver and the kidneys! In other words, the human body can defend itself very well against most environmental insults and the effects of occasional indulgence.

But what if the amount of toxins we are exposed to exceeds our body's ability to excrete them? This is the rationale behind detoxing or cleansing as both of these supposedly support the body's own detoxification capabilities, but unfortunately more research is needed. So for now we are left debating! And the debate rages on even amongst dietitians as some integrative and functional medicine dietitians believe that today’s highly toxic environment necessitates a form of detox diet as medical nutrition therapy that could benefit many individuals based on their exposure level, diet and lifestyle habits, and genetics. While other dietitians perceive detoxes and cleanse to be just another fad diet. Super interesting!

Anyways, long story short - a fresh start is always nice but the detoxification support doesn't need to consist of a rigorous plan! If you're generally healthy, concentrate on giving your body what it needs to maintain its robust self-cleaning system — a healthful diet, adequate fluid intake, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and all recommended medical check-ups. And eat lots of cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and Brussels sprouts, berries, artichokes, garlic, onions, leeks and green tea as these foods support detoxification pathways.

But if you are going to start a detox or cleanse on January 1st, I would love to leave you with one piece of advice - please treat it as a fresh start and try not to overindulge on junk food and alcohol after the process is over. Thank you, thank you!


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Photo by Toni Cuenca from Pexels